7 top tips to improve your relationship with food and lose weight for good

If you are looking to feel better in your body through losing weight or body fat FOR GOOD while changing your eating habits then keep reading. Here are my 7 top tips to improve your relationship with food, lose weight for good while working towards your fat loss goals. 


  1. Fill up on protein throughout the day. It keeps you fuller for longer, it builds your lean muscle so will give you a more toned look alongside exercise. It takes longer to process so will make you less likely to snack 

  2. Pause before you eat and ask yourself – “Am I hungry for food or do I have another unfulfilled need? You may find you are eating for boredom, stress, sadness or you might even be thirsty. Pause to notice what your body needs in that moment. It may be a hug, a walk outside, a phonecall with a friend or general support. 

  3. Enjoy your food. Once you decided you are eating and WHAT food you need in that moment take time to really enjoy your food. Know that you don’t need to work off food or feel guilty for eating certain foods, sometimes that guilt and shame will be worse for you than the food itself. 

  4. Appreciate your food – having a gratitude practice around your food will make your food in the moment tastier, help with digestion and also make it a better overall experience. 

  5. Eat more veg filled meals – adding 1-2 portions of veg in each meal will make your overall diet more healthy but also keep you fuller, make you eat slower and bring some colour to your plate. 

  6. Look at your food – aim to eat at least 1 meal a day without any screens in front of you. When eating in front of a screen you are likely to eat a lot more as you don’t register a lot of the food. You are also likely to feel fuller when looking at your food. 

  7. Eat with your 5 senses. When you are eating ask yourself “What can I see? What can I hear? Crunching etc What can I taste? All the layers of flavours. What can I smell? What can I feel? What textures are in the different foods you are eating? And how does the food make you feel? Excited or bored? 

If you want to change your relationship with food for good then click here to find out about my online coaching to support you now. To find out how my previous clients are winning with their weight loss and body confidence goals click here for testimonials. 

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