How to get motivated to exercise and eat well

Here are my top 5 tips on how to stay motivated to eat well and move your body ESPECIALLY on the on the hard days

1. Schedule in your food prep time and exercise to your diary (digital or paper) WITH a location e.g. doing a yoga class tomorrow at 7am on the yoga mat in the living room (lay it out the night before)


2. Start habit stacking – hook your new habit onto one you already do e.g. start taking your supplements before you brush your teeth in the morning which is something you will already do


3. Try the 5 second rule – Check our Mel Robbins video here basically count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and do the thing (e.g. get your trainers on and go!)


4. Keep your goal close e.g. write them on a note on your fridge/on your phone screen so you see it every day etc – click here for my goal setting workshop in my private Facebook group


5. Chunk it down – if its overwhelmingly massive you won’t start e.g. training for a marathon – take it one week or one run/walk session at a time



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